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Discovering the Client’s Needs and Propose your Products/Services

07 January 2023

This part is fundamental, nobody buys for buying’s sake if it is not to satisfy some need. When we decide to buy a product or a service, it’s because we hope that it will bring us some benefit either physical or intellectual. If we can identify that need or that lack, we have already got all our motivation. Why? Because we will be able to offer that benefit through that product and we will solve objections.

It is very important to identify the needs of our potential buyer:

– Why are they interested in my product?

– What needs, fears or ambitions do they have?

We will now explain how to discover these needs through three techniques:

  1. Research. You can search for information about what people want through the Internet, via Google, social networks, etc.
  2. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. Try to empathize with your client and you will be able to find out more about them.
  3. Ask your question. Ask open questions instead of closed ones so that you don’t limit the answers and you have a better chance of finding out why.

Propose your products/services

Although you can find an infinite number of ways to put these types of techniques into practice, one of them is to follow the CAB method (Characteristics, Advantages and Benefits) that we have designed at TPG, we are going to see it in more detail:

  1. Characteristics of the product. What is the product like, what defines it? Except in totally innovative products or services, it is not going to provoke the final decision of the buyer but this phase is necessary.
  2. Advantages of the product. What does it provide more than other products? Never talk about devaluing other products in the market but show emphasis on the virtues of our product. Each one of the advantages we want to emphasize must be interesting to the buyer.
  3. Benefits for the client. It is a consequence that comes linked to the previous point mentioned but specify with the client in question.